الرئيسية / الأخبار / أخبار دولية / مقتل 23 متظاهر على يد قوات الشرطة البوليفية/فيديو

مقتل 23 متظاهر على يد قوات الشرطة البوليفية/فيديو

Bolivian Coup Regime Represses Protesters

People are being massacred in the streets of Bolivia. More than 23 people have been reported killed as they protested against the right-wing military coup and hundreds have been wounded from repressive means used by security forces.Where are the outcries by world leaders? Where is the coverage by the international media? (sources: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Defensora del Pueblo de La Paz and reporters on the ground)

Posted by Redfish on Saturday, 16 November 2019

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